
Showing posts from March, 2018

My peeps

5.4.17-5.7.17 So I didn't leave. I got more pain meds and that helped a lot. The doctors wanted to observe me until they felt like I was stable. My best friend Rachel spent the night for a few nights! That made it much better. My husband had to work, so it was really nice having someone so fun there around the clock. We laughed, watched movies, and talked to a lot of people and nurses. There were a lot of visitors. That was my first time staying in a hospital. Don't worry, I learned my lesson. People want to be helpful and show support which is great! & Don't get me wrong I appreciated all the love and support(esp from close family and friends). But, when you haven't showered for days, because you're too weak (hemoglobin was really low for awhile until 2 transfusions), you smell bad. Your hair is greasy too.(i.e above picture) It doesn't exactly make you want to see a bunch of people. I just happened to realize that after the fact. Plus, it is overw...

What the poop

Day 2: 5.3.17 Just kidding I was wrong. I had my first colonoscopy on 5.4.17. Day 2 was more tests and just the prepping part. I'll spare the details. Day 3: 5.4.17 Ian and David stayed with me all day until I went down for the colonoscopy. I remember not being scared. I remember just wanting so badly to know what was happening. I remember the very real pain right before I went under. After the exam I slept...for most of the afternoon. A doctor came and saw me that evening. He was hesitant. That made me nervous. He went on to tell me that they found "a growth" in my colon and that they took a biopsy to figure out more. He told me not to worry. Riiiight. The first time cancer even crossed my mind was that first day in the ER. Within the first 8 hours before I even got a room, I just knew it wasn't good. For some reason (God and faith), I was at peace. I knew that whatever happened I'd be protected. Anyways, he continued and said it might not be anything...

"I feel like I'm on an episode of House."

Night 1: 5.1.17        "Holy crap the pain is terrible." I told my husband Ian over dinner. Stomach pain was a normal in my life, so I didn't usually voice it, but it had never been this bad. It felt like someone was stabbing me in the abdomen over and over and the time between episodes was quickly reducing. I remember thinking that this is what contractions must feel like. Spoiler Alert: there was a growth in my body...just not the welcomed kind. I had more symptoms than just pain, but we'll get to that later.         Ian was quietly freaking out. He knew that he couldn't help me, or make me go to the ER. I can bestubborn. The pain always went away, so I had no reason to think this time would be any different. However, at 2am when the pain was still very real I knew something was seriously wrong. Still, I wanted to wait. I tried to lay as still as possible since sleep wasn't an option and tried to let my hubs get some sleep. ...