My peeps
So I didn't leave. I got more pain meds and that helped a lot. The doctors wanted to observe me until they felt like I was stable.
My best friend Rachel spent the night for a few nights! That made it much better. My husband had to work, so it was really nice having someone so fun there around the clock. We laughed, watched movies, and talked to a lot of people and nurses.
There were a lot of visitors. That was my first time staying in a hospital. Don't worry, I learned my lesson. People want to be helpful and show support which is great! & Don't get me wrong I appreciated all the love and support(esp from close family and friends). But, when you haven't showered for days, because you're too weak (hemoglobin was really low for awhile until 2 transfusions), you smell bad. Your hair is greasy too.(i.e above picture) It doesn't exactly make you want to see a bunch of people. I just happened to realize that after the fact. Plus, it is overwhelming. That love and support is really important though. That's why I started Hello Sunshine.
Next you'll hear from Rachel on her experience. I'm nervous haha
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