That is not How These Things Work
“Help me…” she whispered as faintly as a light breeze. My heart sank even further, as if this entire time it was just slowly hitting branch after branch before it hit the ground only to continue past the topsoil. I rang the nurses who immediately called the doctors.Within a minute flat the room was filled with white coats, including her oncologist, all examining my wife and conversing among each other while the nurse I spoke to earlier repeatedly apologized to me “I’m sorry, I didn’t know, I thought she was just tired!” They rushed her out of the room as quickly as they came in, another nurse physically removed apology nurse and began speaking to me, all I remember is “Your wife is” and it trails off. I didn’t really need someone to explain to me what was going on, my wife was dying. We rushed to another floor where I sat in the waiting room and sent out a text to her aunt, and I am pretty certain it was only her aunt I told. We have received a few criticisms for this particu...