
Showing posts from May, 2018

All Things Possible

All Things Possible 5/13/18 This blog post has been a long time in the making; this one is possibly most important. No matter what you personally believe, If you’ve been following our story we are glad you made it to this point. I woke up, but I couldn’t speak. I remember everything not seeming real. I saw my aunt Marci and started  crying because I was so happy to finally see someone I knew and remembered. I was very tired. I was fading and at the same time fighting to stay with her. I thought this was a dream, but was later told that it happened. I believed I had slept for 17 years, but somehow the year was 2050 (I've never been good at math). I thought my grandparents and my dog were dead and that Ian had to fight to keep me on life support. I was confused for a very long time. I lost a lot of my memory during that week. I feel like it was God’s way of protecting me from reliving that pain. I wasn’t meant to understand what was happening just yet. I was in the h...

Half Man, Half Machine

So I sat in the waiting room, window to my left displaying the soccer field below and the mountains in the distance against the greyish blue backsplash of the 5AM sky. I was a little lost in that moment, with my wife maybe 30 yards away but completely separated from me, enduring what could possibly be the end of her life by herself, and completely unaware of what was happening. Her aunt has told me she was on the way with her uncle. I knew when they arrived they would ask how I was, and what was going on. I was hoping the doctor would return with good news before they arrived so I could leave them with some hope. As I stated before, I ran the scenarios and came to peace with the potential outcomes, though it still was painful, and I am fully aware this is a rarity and can be confused with compartmentalization. It was not compartmentalized in this moment. The doctor came back for a third time, “I've been talking to colleagues all night and no one has really seen this before. ...