All Things Possible
All Things Possible 5/13/18 This blog post has been a long time in the making; this one is possibly most important. No matter what you personally believe, If you’ve been following our story we are glad you made it to this point. I woke up, but I couldn’t speak. I remember everything not seeming real. I saw my aunt Marci and started crying because I was so happy to finally see someone I knew and remembered. I was very tired. I was fading and at the same time fighting to stay with her. I thought this was a dream, but was later told that it happened. I believed I had slept for 17 years, but somehow the year was 2050 (I've never been good at math). I thought my grandparents and my dog were dead and that Ian had to fight to keep me on life support. I was confused for a very long time. I lost a lot of my memory during that week. I feel like it was God’s way of protecting me from reliving that pain. I wasn’t meant to understand what was happening just yet. I was in the h...